Education & Training for Organizations

Moving individuals from an attitude of compliance to one of cooperation is a key element in long-term success when developing new programs or enhancing existing ones. Investing in leadership becomes paramount when it comes to effecting sustainable change, as leaders foster or inhibit cultural and/or operational shifts. With over twenty years experience in Executive Development, Change Strategy & Cultural Transformation, Organizational Development and Quality Improvement initiatives, allow me to be an asset in facilitating great returns for both operators and stakeholder groups alike.

If you are looking for something not expressly outlined here, let’s have a conversation to evaluate if I can be of assistance. Chances are if I cannot provide what you need, I can get you to the right coach for the job.

First Responder Training on Interacting with Individuals Living with Cognitive Impairment

This 2.5 hour program is designed to cover how individuals living with cognitive impairment shift from a world of logic and language to one of emotion and feeling. It will teach concrete strategies to first responders on better ways to identify individuals living with cognitive impairment, deescalate situations and get the best outcomes with every interaction. Click here to learn more.

Certified Medication Aide Training (CME) for Assisted Living

This four-day program will go over all the regulatory requirements for non-medical personnel to become a CME. An exam and certificate for the employee and human resources is included. Click here to learn more.

Building Strong Organizational Teams

This full-day program brings members of leadership and line-staff together to identify and build upon shared strengths while fostering deeper relationships. Click here to learn more.

Creating Effective Conflict Resolution Strategies Within Organizations

This full-day program will bring forward an understanding of human behavior and strategies for effectively managing conflict in diverse employee populations. Click here to learn more.

Effective Communication with Respect to Diversity Within Organizations

This interactive, skills-building, full day program develops a common language for participants at every level related to the fundamentals of communication. Click here to learn more.

Change Management: Creating Sustainable Shifts

This full-day program will review getting the best productivity and work attitude from employees and how to locate the best leads and teams to drive sustainable change forward. Click here to learn more.

Avoiding Legal Pitfalls in Healthcare

This full-day program will narrate how law suits are formulated and how “death by a thousand paper cuts” sends families or responsible parties to the local litigator. Click here to learn more.

A Celebration of Life: Finding Ways to Honor Death and the Dying Process in Communal Living Environments

This half-day program humanizes the death and dying process unveiling a celebration of life that can provide closure and honor to those that are actively transitioning or those that have passed on. Click here to learn more.

Creating Occupation: Providing Meaning and Purpose in Communal Living Environments

Using person-centered care principles, this full-day program will review the federal regulations under F 242 Self Determination and F 248 Activities and how to create meaningful activities that create a life worth living despite physical or mental frailty. Click here to learn more.

Understanding ‘Behaviors’ as an Unmet Need for Those Living with Cognitive Impairment

We have a moral imperative to train employees on methods that allow them to better understand those living with brain disease. This full-day program will provide insight into how to decipher the communication of those living with dementia, particularly when ‘behaviors’ arise. Click here to learn more.

Avoiding and Reducing Chemical Restraints in Communal Living

The federal government has taken a harsh stance on the use of “off-label” drugs to treat ‘behaviors’, especially for those living with cognitive impairment. The cost and side-effects associated with these types of practices are under close scrutiny. This full-day program will provide a thorough understanding of the regulations and what organizations must do to meet them. Click here to learn more.

Creating a Physical and Cultural Environment of Safety in Communal Living

Meeting the regulations to ensure a safe environment, developing plans of correction when an incident happens and then ensuring staff follow the plan of correction can seem like an insurmountable task. Using a person-centered approach, in this full-day program, we will explore ideas that tap into staff and patient passions as a means of keeping residents meaningfully engaged and safe. Click here to learn more.

Introduction to Person-Centered Care: A Fundamental Overview

This full-day program offers an overview of person-centered care tying in the various theories that have created the cornerstone of the movement as it relates to healthcare, regulation and service expectations. Click here to learn more.

Introduction to Person-Centered Dementia Care

This full-day program will provide a basic overview of the anatomy and clinical manifestations of Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia and then, by applying the principles of person-centered care, empower caregivers across the health care continuum to afford choice, autonomy and personhood into the world of the person living with dementia. Click to learn more.

Person-Centered Dining Practices in Communal Living

This half-day program will review the culture of dining and why it is the number one complaint among those living in communal environments. We will explore ways to create dining diversity and dignity while still meeting the regulations. Click here to learn more.

Person-Centered (Directed) Care Planning

This half-day program will outline the importance of person-directed care planning both as a regulatory requirement and in creating a life worth living. Click here to learn more.

Certified Eden Associate Training ®

This three-day program offers practical tools, resources, and inspiration that empowers individuals and teams to initiate and maintain person-centric practices based on the seven (7) Eden Principles in communal living environments. Click here to learn more.

Family Education: Improving Interaction and Understanding ‘Behaviors’ with Loved Ones Living with Dementia

This half-day program is designed to cover the basics as it relates to the neuroscience of brain changes in those living with dementia, the physical and emotional manifestations of these changes, and how family members can better interact with and support a cognitively impaired loved one. Click here to learn more.