Life & Health Coaching
Why Coaching?
Coaching is motivational, insightful and action-driven. As athletic coaches are to athletes, life or health coaches are individuals who assist people in overcoming life’s challenges and/or establishing healthier practices and thus outcomes. Coaching creates the springboard that gets you from where you are now to where you’d like to be. By raising awareness and using techniques to shift how things are viewed, a plan of action is formulated.
Coaching assists you to overcome perceived challenges or obstacles that are causing you to feel stuck, overwhelmed or frustrated. Unlike counseling which often focuses on the past as the precursor to the present challenges one may be experiencing, coaching works with where you are now and uses strategies to move you forward toward meeting your goals.
What Does Holistic Coaching Mean?
Holistic Coaching considers all facets of a person: mind; body; and spirit. If we consider that a human is multidimensional, then all dimensions must be valued when working with an individual to create well-being. Conversely, we can then conclude then, that when one component is ailing, the others will also be negatively impacted, or what one would refer to as ill-being or DIS-ease. A Holistic Coach uses methodologies that explore all these facets to co-create improvements in ALL areas.
Why is Spirituality Part of Holistic Coaching?
Fundamentally being spiritual is simply recognizing that you are more than just a body, that you are a spirit or soul with infinite potential and existence. As opposed to following a specific ideology or a set of rules, spirituality simply lets you follow your heart, it encourages you to listen to your intuition or “gut” and go within to find your next right answer. The holistic coach helps you to tune into your unique station, functioning as the facilitator toward getting you where you’d like to be.

There is a voice inside of you, that whispers all day long, “I feel that this is right for me, I know that this is wrong.”
No teacher, preacher, parent, friend or wise man can decide, what’s right for you - just listen to the voice that speaks inside.
~ Sheldon Silverstein
Be Your Authentic Self & Ignite Your Joy!
Do You Let Fear or Stress Hold You Back?
Do you concern yourself with what others think or stop yourself from speaking your truth because you don’t want to upset anyone or cause conflict? Perhaps you don’t do what you would really like because you're afraid of being judged. Maybe you suffer from a bad case of ‘stinking thinking’ where that inner voice tells you that you’re not good enough, that what you want is impossible, or goes against what someone else thinks, and so you sit quietly and maintain business as usual. If this resonates with you, think about taking your power back today and start working toward things that make your soul sing. If you never go after your dream, you’ll never awake to find that it’s no longer a dream, but your reality.
You’re Perfect!
It’s ok to pursue the road less traveled, to go against the grain or be atypical. Some of the world’s most famous change agents existed in a time and place that didn’t quite understand them, but they continued on their journey despite what was happening outside of them. If your soul is beckoning you, quiet the noise outside and listen. Start today to do something that you instinctively know is your right answer.
Is Life Happening To You?
Overworked? Overthinking? Worrying? Unhealthy?
Parents, teachers, society and life has taught you to follow certain rules and do what you’re told so that you fit in. Fitting in is a mindset that we choose to believe, but what if it’s all an illusion? A belief is just a thought that we continue to think; if you change your thoughts, you change your beliefs. Start today to create the life you want. Release what is no longer serving you. Begin to move forward with confidence. Together we will explore what roadblocks exist so that you can begin to shift your perceptions and create beautiful segues in your life.
What is the Goal of Coaching?
Coaching services are provided with the intention of creating enlightenment, hope, empowerment, healing and growth. As we work together, the goal is to help you to live your life under your own guidance where your authenticity and truth lies.
Benefits of Coaching
A coach can be valuable to help navigate life’s hiccups, toss out a lifeline when you’re in a rut or experiencing a stall, or if you’re needing to create some significant shifts emotionally or physically. Together this collaborative relationship works to reignite the spark or mitigate what’s extinguishing the fire.
My background and skill set are very diverse, whatever is ailing you, together we can work it out. While you are always the captain of your ship, sometimes you just need different coordinates to get you back on track and headed in the right direction. Let me be your co-captain!
Are You Ready?
Individual Session
If there’s a particular issue you need to work through we can set about to taking immediate steps toward resolve. Together we’ll explore where you might be stuck and you’ll receive guidance and ‘homework’ that will develop into habits that can assist you to release and shift your perceptions while changing your actions and reactions.
If you later decide to enter the three-month program after this session, I will offer an additional 60 minute session for free, a savings of $100.00. The contract must be ratified within thirty (30) days.
120 minutes | $224.00
Three-Month Program
We will work very closely together over a twelve-week period that will include four private one-hour sessions and e-mail/text communication. You set the pace and frequency of the sessions. We will work diligently to take you from where you are to where you’d like to be. This program offers the most support as I continually guide and offer course correction as you work though your unique transformation.
4: 60-min Sessions + E-mail/Text Support | $499.00
Ongoing Communication
Sometimes after we work together, you may just need your Coach’s shoulder or ear to bounce something around. That ‘sideline pep talk’ so to speak to get you back on track. This service will enable you to continue the dialogue through e-mail/text or a scheduled brief phone exchange as needed.
$25.00 per month
These intermittent exchanges are not meant to serve as a session and are limited to 5-10 minutes per contact. If you feel like you may need something more, we can discuss next steps as a repeat customer.

Be Authentic!
Create a life that feels good on the inside, not one that just looks good on the outside.
In the fall of 2018, I found myself on the precipice of a major life shift. My mom had just passed away earlier that year and after 30 years of working in executive healthcare positions, I felt numb and my soul was crying out for a change.
I would subsequently leave the job I had and take time off to do some introspection in contemplation of my next endeavor. I knew in my heart that I would never return to the executive world and that I would need to do something I was passionate about; something that would involve helping others in profound and meaningful ways.
As I was sitting on the bank of a spring-fed lake at a dear friend’s cottage one early spring morning, I became enamored with a very large willow tree. This tree had been there for decades. It was filled with grandeur and elegance as its branches swiftly danced in the breeze, casting shadows on the lake with the sun’s emerging playful light.
I began thinking about how the creatures and animals of the earth don’t concern themselves with other species and how they are different. They aren’t consumed with looking or acting in ways that feel wrong; they just are because they cannot be anything else.
As I sat on that bank in contemplation, adjacent to that magnificent tree, I placed my fears aside that day. I stopped caring about how others might view this shift I was knee-deep in. I stopped worrying about reducing a salary range that I believed I needed. I stopped telling myself that titles, the accumulation of material things, and exhaustion all meant that I was successful, and I started to discover that there was so much more to me than those yardsticks I had been measuring myself by.
Moving forward, I changed the lenses I had been using to see the world. That willow beckoned to my soul and that’s how Sugar&Soul was born.
I encourage you to find your willow from within!

As a certified coach, all information is given in good faith, but you are responsible for the decisions you make. Coaching is not intended to replace professional therapy, counseling or other medical interventions.