
The Willow

By: Rhonda Palmiero

Copyright © May, 2019

The willow rests upon the bank of bedrock and of dirt, providing shade and nourishment back into the earth.

A nest for birds, shade for the ones that need protection from the sun. Or a restful spot to contemplate life’s journey still undone.

Wise in history and strong of will storms cannot unearth its hold. From Mother Earth who nurtures it from deep within her soul.

As she imbues it with her love and light, the willow in return, does what is innate to it, with fervor and discern.

For it cannot be what it is not, there is no other way. It must abide by its authenticity, no façade can it portray.

Like the willow, take a look within for your true identity. For you too are designed to become what is your destiny.

You cannot be what you are not, to do so causes pain, of spirit and of self, with only fear to gain.

Like a seed that’s destined, to be what it must be, with love and light to nourish it, it grows unapologetically.

When we are not authentic, when we shy from our own truth, living life under false pretenses, we become distant and aloof.

It matters not what other trees exist within the plane, the willow knows its destiny and lives life without shame. 

It judges not the other trees that flower and/or fruit. It’s content to be just what it is, a willow from tip to root.

So, find your authenticity, get in touch with who you are. Be proud, be happy, be content, be your own bright shining star.

You do not need approval, to walk in unique shoes, to take the road less traveled, to do just what you choose.

Do what makes you happy, love the skin you’re in, be your authentic self, 

find your willow from within.