Creative Mantra Practices in an Effort to Manifest Change

A mantra is something you affirm on a regular basis that assists to change behavior or create the manifestation of your intention. The word mantra can be broken down into two parts: “man,” which means mind, and “tra,” which means transport or vehicle.

There is an adage that indicates that we get more of what we focus on. You can hear about this very thing in the mainstream work of Esther Hicks and Abraham, a stated channeled energy source that focuses on the Law of Attraction. If that is something that is of interest to you, there are many You Tube ® videos on her work or you may locate her here.

Here’s an example of this law in action. Think about a time when you were contemplating the purchase of a different vehicle; in particular you had your heart set on a red Subaru Forester (details are important in this work). You’d done your research on cost, safety features, fuel economy, amenities and value, and this was the one! You plan to reach out to a few dealers in the area and perhaps you even conduct your own online shopping comparatives. Suddenly, as you’re commuting, you notice one, two, three, FOUR red Subaru Foresters all in the same day. Why do all of these other people have the exact car you are considering? Why indeed -- you get more of what you focus on!

How can you make this law begin to work in your favor? What are some things we engage in on a regular basis without even thinking much about it that can actually create a shift in our lives? How about the art of passwords?

Every month or so, depending on where we work and what level of security we require, we receive that annoying little message that forces us to, once again, change our password. What’s frustrating are all the caveats that are required with such a change such as using at least one uppercase character, at least one lowercase alphabetic character, at least one symbol and at least one number. Often there is a requirement that it must be a certain number of characters and just for added grief, that it cannot be something you’ve used in the past. How often have you thought to yourself that you need a safe just to house all of the passwords you’ve created because, God forbid, you use the same password for everything? We’ve all heard the horror stories that occur when a person is hacked that has used the same password for every account they have. That’s a lot of pressure, right? But, what if you used this to your mantric advantage. Think of the creative ways you could force a symbolic message into your conscience and subconscious every day merely by typing it and thinking about it?

For example, if your goal is to exercise more, your password could look something like this: MoveD@8ily! for move daily. If you’re working on spending less or wanting to save for a trip you might end up with something creative like: Sv$4Fla for save money for Florida (remember, it’s important to be specific), or Sv$4Nest for save money for your nest. The goal is to find creative ways to manifest the desires of your heart. When you set the intention and focus on it every day, watch what shows up in your life.

With much sugar & a lot of soul!



Rhonda Palmiero

Rhonda Palmiero is a registered nurse and a nursing home administrator who is Board Certified in gerontology, care coordination and management. She holds a minor in psychology and has a background in motivational interviewing. She has a foundation in exercise science as an AFAA-certified personal trainer and group fitness instructor. An expert in person-centered (dementia) care, she has provided guidance to healthcare agencies and professionals, institutions of higher learning and regulatory agency professionals across the country, educating thousands in this care philosophy. After retiring from the executive world in 2018, she began Sugar&Soul,® a business offering educational programming on a wide variety of topics and various holistic services as she wholeheartedly believes that mind, body and spirit are interconnected as it relates to overall well-being and the creation of a life filled with purpose and meaning.


When Approval Trumps Authenticity