Mindfulness and Self-Care
In a busy world we navigate life by the seat of our pants hoping all the T’s get crossed and the I’s dotted. We are so busy with our to-do lists we forget about taking time for ourselves or we convince ourselves that we have no additional time to do the things that we enjoy. The truth is, self-care is not only desired, it is necessary for your overall well-being. This program is offered as a full or half-day. The full day offers more practical applications and exercises that will have you unwinding before you know it, basking in time, set aside, just for you. Participants will:
Identify the health benefits of self-care
Outline various methods in which self-care can be accomplished
Discuss simple pleasures and how to engage in self-care that creates a life filled with purpose and meaning
Create a self-care contract
Create goal statements and a plan to implement self-care
Identify your lifelines and networks toward accountability