Education & Training — Health & Wellness

Being healthy consists of many things, the least of which involve healthy food choices, good sleep hygiene, purposeful movement and having a sense of spirituality or connectedness. Any change begins with an intention, followed by action, and then consistency that creates habit. Knowledge is where your power lies. The journey of a million miles begins with the first step ~Lao Tzu. Allow me to assist you in taking that first step — it may very well be the most important one on your journey toward well-being and self-discovery.

If you are looking for something not expressly outlined here, let’s have a conversation to evaluate if I can be of assistance. Chances are if I cannot provide what you need, I can get you to the right coach for the job.

Healthy Weight Loss & Management

This full-day program offers a fundamental overview of nutrition and how to calculate your individual needs, without the use of a trainer or nutritionist and based on your unique goals. You will also learn how to get started in purposeful movement which is a key factor in successful weight loss and maintenance. The program will outline the need for a quality multipronged approach to achieve successful, long-standing outcomes. Click here to learn more.

Resistance Training: Health Benefits at Any Age

This half-day program offers a fundamental overview of the benefits of resistance training and how to get started. Ideally, participants may wish to consider attending the Healthy Weight Loss and Management Course as a foundation from which to build as nutrition plays a key role in successful resistance work. Click here to learn more.

So You Want to Compete? The Inside Intel on Bodybuilding & Physique Competitions

This half-day program is designed for both men and women as a platform to better understand the world of physique competitions. Spend some time hearing about the financial and personal commitment it takes before you go headlong into wanting to compete. If you plan on hitting the stage, understand the intricacies and learn to do it safely. Click here to learn more.

Mindfulness & Self-Care

In a busy world we navigate life by the seat of our pants hoping all the T’s get crossed and the I’s dotted. We are often so busy with our to-do lists we forget about taking time for ourselves, or our perception is that we just don’t have the time to set aside. Self-care is not only desired, it is necessary for your overall well-being. This program is offered as a full or half-day. The full day offers more practical applications and exercises that allow you to experience time just for yourself. Click here to learn more.

Holistic Living: Mind, Body & Soul

Human beings are multidimensional and when one facet is ailing, or in a state of ILL-being, the others facets that make up the whole of who you are will also be negatively impacted. This full-day program will discuss the interconnectedness of humans as organisms as well as spiritual beings. We will review methods that can work to create overall well-being taking all of these facets into consideration. Click here to learn more.

Transitions: Creating a Beautiful Earthly Departure

As a human being, we will all make our transition from this earth school. This topic often causes a great deal of angst and avoidance, particularly surrounding healthcare choices and limitations during the end of life phase or as it relates to do not resuscitate directives. This full-day program will review some legal ways to ensure you transition the way you would like and will focus on what it means to be a person and how to create a person-centric transition in a way that is uniquely and meaningfully yours. If you’d like more information about creating this experience for a loved one, go to the Programs for the At-Home Caregiver section. Click here to learn more.

Organize Your Mind, Organize Your Life

Have you ever noticed that your mind is running in a million directions and you can’t seem to finish one project before you start something else or leave it unattended altogether? Then, perhaps when you look around, you notice that your desk, home and vehicle also seem cluttered. There is a direct correlation to mind clutter and environmental clutter. This half-day program will help you to take the necessary steps to declutter your life emotionally and physically. Click here to learn more.

Existence involves change. As we change, we mature. As we mature, we recreate ourselves endlessly.


YOU Matter

Love yourself enough to:

  • Take the necessary actions for your happiness

  • Remove people and things that inhibit your growth

  • Set high standards for those you allow into your life

  • Set boundaries

  • Feel complete comfort in doing things that add quality and beauty to your life


You are a perfect TRILOGY

“Your mind, body and spirit are instruments and the way that you align and tune them determines how well you play life.”

Harbhajan Singh Yogi

BE Authentic

What makes YOU come alive?

One of the greatest regrets may very well be when you become what others want you to be, rather than being who you are meant to be.

Sing your own unique song like the birds do. They worry not who hears them or what others think. Don’t leave this earth school with your symphony still in you!