
Creating Effective Conflict Resolution

Strategies Within Organizations

The work environment can be stressful leaving people edgy and in a state of chronic fatigue. The need to adhere to regulations, policies, the submission of reports, developing quality initiatives, spinning data and the like, typically while under a deadline, can make people unravel. Add to this the underpinning of maintaining a high level of executive and stakeholder group satisfaction and the pressures begin to mount. Employee groups bring various cultures, coping strategies, personal trials and/or tribulations into the workplace everyday and meld them into an environment where there can be great demands both physically and emotionally. This combination can quickly have negative effects on communication and create conflict that will go underground impacting productivity and quality benchmarks if not effectively mitigated. This full day workshop will bring forward an understanding of human behavior and coping mechanisms frequently used when under duress. By applying effective listening, communication and team-building strategies participants will:

  • Understand that all behavior has meaning

  • Define strategies that depict open communication and active listening while maintaining a calm, caring, compassionate demeanor

  • Define ways in which to set personal boundaries and limitations in the interest of time management and workload

  • Outline strategies that empower individuals to effectively manage and diffuse difficult situations

  • Understand organizational boundaries and limitations as it relates to operational policies, human resource laws and employee contracts

  • Define situations that require the involvement of human resources, corporate compliance or other legal resources