
So You Want to Compete?

The Inside Intel on Bodybuilding and Physique Competitions

As a pro-qualified physique competitor with seven years on the stage, there were many things I wish I would have known both before and while I was on this wonderful journey.

This half-day program is designed for both men and women as a platform to better understand the world of physique competitions.  Spend some time learning the intricacies before you go headlong and commit to this time-intensive endeavor. Learn about the financial and personal commitment it takes before hitting the stage. Understand how to do it safely and the most important factor, to ensure you have both a fun and terrific first experience. It is one you’ll cherish for a lifetime. Participants will:

  • Understand the realistic timeframes to prepare for a physique competition

  • Learn what you’ll need to consider in terms of time and finances

  • Understand the different groups and levels

  • Learn the basics of building versus leaning out

  • Review types of shows you’ll need to consider

  • Review preparation from the gym to the stage

  • Learn what to consider when evaluating a trainer or prep coach