
Care for the Caregiver

Taking care of another person can be a full-time job. If you are living in a sandwich generation where you are balancing caring for your own family as well as a loved one, the stress is further magnified as you struggle to meet everyone’s needs. While you may know that self-care is important, you may be thinking that you’re already overwhelmed and can’t possibly fit in one more thing. Consider taking time to create more balance in your life by attending this full day program. You cannot continue to give of yourself without refilling your own cup. Participants will:

  • Understand the physical and emotional complexities of caring for another person and the impacts it can have on health and well-being

  • Outline the health benefits of self-care

  • Outline various methods in which self-care can be accomplished

  • List available resources and the importance of setting boundaries and accepting help

  • Develop a self-care contract